We've helped our third dog! This was a big one for us. Vincent is a 3 year old lab mix that was in need of CCL repair surgery. 3 years is way too young to go on with life having these kinds of issues. We didn't cover the entire bill (CCL surgery is pricey), but we covered a good chunk of it, and were happy to do it. I've spoken with Vincent's dog mom Victoria, and so far he is doing well post-surgery. Hopefully he keeps on improving.
Ruby is having some spinal issues, and needed some tests to figure out the problem. Fortunately, the vet seems to think the issues should resolve themselves with meds opposed to surgery, but it's a wait and see kind of thing. Hopefully everything works out. Thank you to Thone for letting us help out with her dog.
Lilah has had a tough 2023. In February she had to have a cancerous tumor removed near her eye. Not long after that she developed pneumonia. Later in the year, she ate some clothes and had to go to the emergency vet. She needed to have surgery to remove the blockage. Her owner, Leah, was able to pay for the medical expenses using credit, and has been working to pay it off. But still owes a considerable amount. We've begun working with Leah to make monthly payments to help pay off the debt a little faster.